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D:/Programming/GUI Editor (Source)/GUIRadioGroup.cpp

00001 #include "StdAfx.h" 00002 #include "GUI.h" 00003 00004 CGUIRadioGroup::CGUIRadioGroup() 00005 { 00006 SetEntityType(Entity_GUIRadioGroup); 00007 Initialize(); 00008 } 00009 00010 CGUIRadioGroup::~CGUIRadioGroup() 00011 { 00012 Destroy(); 00013 } 00014 00015 void CGUIRadioGroup::Initialize() 00016 { 00017 SetType(GUI_RadioGroup); 00018 m_iCurBtnSel = -1; 00019 00020 m_strElementType = "RadioGroup"; 00021 } 00022 00023 int CGUIRadioGroup::Create(CGUIElement *pParent, tRect WidgetRect, CCustomFont *pFont, CTexture *pTexture, CMaterial *pMaterial, bool bBorder) 00024 { 00025 return CGUIStatic::Create(pParent, WidgetRect, pFont, pTexture, pMaterial, bBorder); 00026 } 00027 00028 int CGUIRadioGroup::LoadXML(TiXmlNode *pDataNode, CString strFilename) 00029 { 00030 TiXmlElement* pXMLElement = NULL; 00031 const char *pcValue = NULL; 00032 00033 int iRetValue = CGUIStatic::LoadXML(pDataNode, strFilename); // LoadXML the data of derivative 00034 if(iRetValue !=1) 00035 return iRetValue; 00036 00037 pXMLElement = m_pXMLElement; 00038 00039 pcValue = pXMLElement->Attribute("CurSel"); 00040 if(pcValue !=NULL) 00041 { 00042 SetCurSel(atoi(pcValue)); 00043 pcValue = NULL; 00044 } 00045 else 00046 { 00047 CGlobalLogger::GetSingleton().Write("\t**********General Warning\t**********\n"); 00048 CGlobalLogger::GetSingleton().Write("RadioGroup (Name: %s, ID: %d) doesn't have Current iSelection (CurSel) Attribute specified. Assuming default...", GetName(), GetID()); 00049 } 00050 00051 return iRetValue; // All went OK, return 1 00052 } 00053 00054 int CGUIRadioGroup::SaveXML(TiXmlNode *pDataNode, CString strFilename) 00055 { 00056 // Nowhere to save! Nothing to save! 00057 if(pDataNode == NULL && strFilename == "") 00058 return -1; 00059 00060 char Buf[128] = ""; 00061 TiXmlElement *pSaveXMLElement = NULL; 00062 00063 if(pDataNode != NULL) 00064 pSaveXMLElement = pDataNode->ToElement(); 00065 else 00066 pSaveXMLElement = new TiXmlElement("RadioGroup"); 00067 00068 pSaveXMLElement->SetAttribute("CurSel", m_iCurBtnSel); 00069 00070 int iRetValue = CGUIElement::SaveXML(pSaveXMLElement, strFilename); 00071 00072 if(pDataNode == NULL) 00073 SAFEDEL(pSaveXMLElement) 00074 00075 return iRetValue; 00076 } 00077 00078 void CGUIRadioGroup::Draw() 00079 { 00080 if(!Visible()) 00081 return; 00082 00083 //Comment the next line if you want the rectangle of radio group to be drawn 00084 HideSiblings(); 00085 CGUIStatic::Draw(); 00086 ShowSiblings(); 00087 00088 CGUIElement *pIterElement = begin(); 00089 set_ptr(pIterElement); 00090 00091 while(pIterElement !=NULL) 00092 { 00093 if(pIterElement->GetType() == GUI_Button || pIterElement->GetType() == GUI_Border) 00094 pIterElement->Draw(); 00095 00096 pIterElement = next(); 00097 } 00098 } 00099 00100 void CGUIRadioGroup::SetCurSel(int uiIndex) 00101 { 00102 if(uiIndex >= 0 && uiIndex < GetChildCount()) 00103 { 00104 m_iCurBtnSel = uiIndex; 00105 00106 CGUIElement *pIterElement = begin(); 00107 set_ptr(pIterElement); 00108 00109 UINT Count = 0; 00110 while(pIterElement !=NULL) 00111 { 00112 if(pIterElement->GetType() == GUI_Button) 00113 { 00114 if(Count == uiIndex) 00115 ((CGUIButton *)pIterElement)->SetState(false, 1); 00116 else 00117 ((CGUIButton *)pIterElement)->SetState(false, 0); 00118 00119 Count++; 00120 } 00121 00122 pIterElement = next(); 00123 } 00124 } 00125 else 00126 m_iCurBtnSel = -1; 00127 } 00128 00129 void CGUIRadioGroup::ProcessMessage(tGUIMessage& Message) 00130 { 00131 switch(Message.uiMessage) 00132 { 00133 case GUI_Message_ButtonPressed: 00134 { 00135 UINT Count = 0; 00136 CGUIElement *pIterElement = begin(); 00137 set_ptr(pIterElement); 00138 00139 while(pIterElement !=NULL) 00140 { 00141 if(pIterElement->GetType() == GUI_Button) 00142 { 00143 if((pIterElement == Message.pSender)) 00144 { 00145 SetCurSel(Count); 00146 return; 00147 } 00148 00149 Count++; 00150 } 00151 00152 pIterElement = next(); 00153 } 00154 00155 break; 00156 } 00157 } 00158 } 00159 00160 int CGUIRadioGroup::GetCurSel() 00161 { 00162 return m_iCurBtnSel; 00163 } 00164 00165 CGUIElement *CGUIRadioGroup::InsertItem(CString& strItemText, UINT uiInsertAfter) 00166 { 00167 CGUIButton *pNewEntry = new CGUIButton(); 00168 pNewEntry->Create(this, tRect()); 00169 00170 CFileDialog FileDialog(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*||", AfxGetMainWnd()); 00171 if(FileDialog.DoModal() == IDOK) 00172 { 00173 if(pNewEntry->LoadXML(NULL, GetFullPath(FileDialog.GetPathName()))) 00174 { 00175 pNewEntry->SetText(strItemText); 00176 push_back(pNewEntry); 00177 00178 Resize(GetRect()); 00179 00180 return pNewEntry; 00181 } 00182 } 00183 00184 return NULL; 00185 } 00186 00187 bool CGUIRadioGroup::IsOfType(eEntityType eType) 00188 { 00189 if(eType == Entity_GUIRadioGroup) 00190 return true; 00191 00192 return CGUIStatic::IsOfType(eType); 00193 } 00194 00195 bool CGUIRadioGroup::PropertyChanging( const void* pvProperty , void* pvNewValue ) 00196 { 00197 bool bChangeOK = CGUIStatic::PropertyChanging(pvProperty, pvNewValue); 00198 00199 if(pvProperty == &m_iCurBtnSel) 00200 { 00201 int TempNewValue = *(int *)pvNewValue; 00202 if(TempNewValue == 1000) 00203 { 00204 CGUIElement *pNewItem = InsertItem(CString("New Entry")); 00205 m_iCurBtnSel = -1; 00206 return false; 00207 } 00208 else 00209 SetCurSel(TempNewValue); 00210 } 00211 00212 return bChangeOK; 00213 } 00214 00215 void CGUIRadioGroup::GetProperties( EPropList& PropList ) 00216 { 00217 CGUIStatic::GetProperties(PropList); 00218 00219 PropList.AddTab("RadioGroup"); 00220 EPropertyCombo *pSelectedCombo = PropList.AddPropCombo(this, "Selected", &m_iCurBtnSel); 00221 pSelectedCombo->AddString("New Item...", 1000); 00222 00223 int Count = 0; 00224 CGUIElement *pIter = begin(); 00225 set_ptr(pIter); 00226 00227 while(pIter !=NULL) 00228 { 00229 if(pIter->GetType() == GUI_Button) 00230 { 00231 CString tmp; 00232 tmp.Format("%d", Count); 00233 pSelectedCombo->AddString(tmp, Count); 00234 Count++; 00235 } 00236 00237 pIter = next(); 00238 } 00239 }

Generated on Sun Jul 17 21:34:27 2005 for OpenGL GUI by doxygen 1.3.8